Be At One Healing
Geopathic Stress & non-beneficial energies in your Home
Some questions you can ask which may indicate Geopathic Stress issues:
Did you become ill/unwell/start having emotional difficulties after moving to this address or starting this job?
Did the previous owners suffer from any long term or serious illnesses?
Have there been a lot of family issues/arguments since living in this house?
Do you feel better away from home or your place of work?
On the other end of the spectrum do you find it difficult to leave the house? Feel anxious away from home or even agoraphobic?
Have you been trying to heal from your condition for along time, tried many different therapies etc but nothing seems to work?
Have you developed a condition or issue since spending more time at home due to 'lockdowns'?
Have you struggled with weight loss? Perhaps you feel like you have tried everything but nothing has worked?
Does your workplace feel like a ‘toxic’ environment?
If you run a business do you have difficulty with your workforce or find you don't see to have a lot of footfall?